Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Abstract.

So, this may be one of the ONLY blog posts that will not contain a picture. Sorry kiddos. This is an important post let's just say the lack of picture is so that your full attention goes towards my jabbering. (:

After being blown away by the The Social Network last night, I had so many ideas running through my head about the potential I have in becoming a new business owner. Let me clarify that my "I" in the previous sentence should be read as a universal one. What I  mean in reference to this potential is the crazy opportunity our generation has in the business world--thanks in GREAT part to social networking and believe it or not, Facebook. Like most theatrical renditions, The Social Network is not a completely accurate portrayal of Facebook's birth; however, no matter how you feel about Mark Zuckerburg, the fact of the matter is that his idea and the team he collaborated with revolutionized our generation more than we have yet realized.
Our grandparents grew up with televisions. Our parents were introduced to cell phones and then computers. We grew up the first generation widely familiar with the Internet. Our children? Face chat, social networking? Am I just on my soapbox or does this blow anyone else's mind?

Despite the notion you MAY somehow have that I'm a "techie" person, I'll tell you my husband would fall out of his seat laughing at such ideas about me. (HA!) Nonetheless, I will learn and love and someday I am determined for my husband, JUST ONCE, to describe me as "techie!"

As I was brainstorming the oodles of fun business ideas, I decided it was important that I explain to you the purpose behind this here blog you're just going to love. I believe that in my endeavors to start a successful and continuously progressive photography business, my blog is one of my most important tools. The truth is, you want to be all up in my biz-nass...I know! No, really. We can't help it. That's what Facebook has given us--instant peers into as much or little of a person's life as they wish for you to see. I want clients/friends/family to feel like they know me, can trust me, and are a part of my life. And this is how! I'm still working out the kinks, but you can look forward to the adventures of being a newlywed, recipe days, fashion days, home decor, DIY, and of course, this creative journey I'm beginning to document life in a natural, organic, and creative way through photographs.

I hope you're having a relaxing Sunday, only complete with a home cooked meal. Oh yeah, if you didn't know, that's the only way we do Sundays down here in South Louisiana. (:

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