Friday, February 4, 2011

WARNING: This post may be sappy for your liking. I'm sorry, I'm a girl.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed

When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you"

That's Coldplay. That was our wedding song. That is everything that my husband is.

This morning I woke up in a funk. You know, one of those days where you wake up and everything and nothing is wrong all at the same time? Well, that was me this morning. Feeling absolutely sorry for myself and then guilty for letting little things that shouldn't, get to me.

The truth is though, I'm a people pleaser. As my best friend Blair would say, "you're emotionally constipated." You see, if you're a people pleaser you know how the routine works. You hold things in, let things that bother you go to avoid confrontation and argument, you let them tick at you until finally something so minuscule makes you burst.Something that makes absolutely no sense to the victim of your bursting at the time as to why you got so upset about it.

That victim, most of the time, is Preston. He knows the routine by now, and even makes it generally into something really funny later.

Anyways, as with all of my bad days, when I woke up in a funk and cried (I cry at a pin drop, by the way) about nearly everything this morning. He just sat there as usual, and held me--saying sweet and funny things that always magically make everything that I'm being melodramatic about all better.
Isn't this a great picture of him, by the way? I know he probably will hate that I posted it. I have a knack for somehow loving the pictures of him that he hates. But that's when I say, "I have the eye and I win." Hehe. Just kidding.

Stay tuned, I may have an actual mother/baby photog post up by tonight!


  1. Feeling the same funk, think it's the weather. Just burst into tears on someone totally unsuspecting. Miss your dad somehow he always knows how to put things in perspective. Guess thats why I married my best friend, he knows all of my imperfections and still loves me anyway. Kudos to Preston for that also!

  2. I've been feeling the same funk all week. I love that you used my famous reference in this post. I miss you and love you and I'm so happy that you have Preston day in and day out to make the funks less funkier. I love you both.
