Monday, February 7, 2011

What's in a name?

So, as you may have noticed by my new branding above, I've finally buckled down and decided on a name. After much teetering, worrying, and questioning back and forth, I've decided to move forward with my business as "Kali Norton - Photography & Design."

If you know me well, you know that most of my decisions have more thought and consideration behind them than perhaps, the normal person. This one was no different. What intrigued me the most about my debating, was how many people personally messaged me with a thought out opinion as to why they felt it should be this or that. All of which I took into thought and consideration, by the way! I went back and forth as to what was more pleasing to the ear, what looked best from a design perspective, what was geared aesthetically towards the look and feel I wanted for my business. I drafted branding ideas with every possible match up I could of Kali, Brou, Norton, B., K. Norton, K.B. Norton., Photography, Photography & Design, K. Brou get the picture.

I decided on this, for a few reasons. One being, as some of you noted, this is my new name--and with the start of my business and a new life, why not start it off with my new name, given to me by my husband, provider, and number one supporter of my aspirations? Secondly, somehow, after playing with the design of it enough and waking up in the middle of several nights with brainstorms of branding ideas with it, I decided that Kali Norton paired with Photography & Design had the aesthetic feel I wanted.

This is what I started with, before I even made a firm decision towards Kali Norton. (Norton is on here, but that's because it just happened to be the last draft that I had saved.)
Then I had this...
Then I decided that adding "coming soon" was important for me to do, as I am not yet officially a business owner. I feel it is important to respect those who are professionals in the business and have jumped through all of the hoops and red tape to get where they are, thus, I cannot quite YET call myself "Kali Norton - Photography & Design."

BUT, but but, this process is starting this week!
I've probably thought about it way too much that it borders the unhealthy. So I'm retiring it. But rest assured knowing you all helped me think about it in different ways that aided in my final decision. So, here is a rough of what the beginnings of my branding will resemble. The above picture, taken by Melissa Friloux, was one I had in mind when brainstorming ideas for the feel of my brand. The look and feel I will be going for with my business is a mix of sophisticated, quirky, editorial, and serene. Didn't she capture those ideas perfectly?

Stay tuned for future branding brainstorms and the adventures I'll be attacking in becoming an owner of my own business! Happy Monday!


  1. i like it. its pretty.

  2. It's perfect, as I knew it would be. You're creativity, drive, and talent has far surpassed mine in every aspect of aesthetics, and for that I am immensely proud and infinitely jealous.

    I love you!

  3. Amanda7.2.11

    i like it, i love you! It so wonderful to have people like you and Melissa in my life! You two are truly a blessing of creativeness to me and one day when i grow up, i hope to be just like you two! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with my mother in law :)

  6. Anonymous7.2.11

    I love it!!! You are a very talented and brilliant young woman. I love all the pictures that you are posting. You not only have an eye for photography, but for design. Looking forward to following you in building your business. Love you--- aunt gwen
